“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
Poverty has many causes, but one of the most important factors is education: most people living in extreme poverty lack basic education. Therefore, we are working to provide a level of education to children and young people which will enable them to combat poverty, social exclusion and inequalities.

Principle Women's College
The College provides further education (tertiary) to girls and young women, mainly from impoverished families, providing them with the opportunity to go on to university or seek employment to help maintain their families.
We are planning to provide vocational skills training and life skills such as first aid, mental health awareness and basic maternal healthcare. These skills will be provided to the College studetns and local adults outside of school hours, alongside basic literacy and numeracy.

Student Investment Programme
We provide bursaries to high achieving and gifted students from poor families, helping them to complete their education. Currently running in one sub-district, this is a programme we plan to extend to other districts throughout Bangladesh.
Working with the Bangladesh Ministry of Education and local schools, we are planning a programme to identify three students in each school who are most in need and assist them financially. We will also enrol the students on a mentorship programme to guide them through from school through to working life. We aim to run this programme in every school in Bangladesh.